Saturday, June 25, 2011


今天其实过了一个很充实也很奢侈的上午. 心情本来还蛮开心的又尝试了一件重来都没试过的事。 但,回到家后, 好心情很快的又被破坏了。。。。。。很无奈, 并没有感到伤心, 已经没什么感觉了。。。只是很无奈, 很累。。。感觉很懒,不想心情和情绪有波动, 但真的很无奈............

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Disney's happily ever after 是从小看到大的经典,但现实生活的丰富经验却一点都与之占不上边。 很清楚自己要的是什么, 也很清楚知道不要的是什么, 但有没有勇气去选择自己要的却又是另一回事。就算有勇气选择, 也得有勇气去承担一切过后所要面对的后果, 将需付出的精力是无可言喻的大..........每天都在问自己, 有必要继续这样吗? 很多时候都还蛮佩服自己的耐力。 真的很累了......呵,宁缺勿滥, 我还蛮佩服那些做得到的人..................我真的真的很累了.................

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Finally see a firefly - Lampyridae

Still remember a post i posted years ago regarding ever see a firefly had always wanted to see one. In Malaysia, there are four major groups of fireflies, the Pteroptyx, Luciola, Colophotia and Lychnuris. This year, i'm lucky enough to finally see one on my way down fr Mount Kinabalu through Timpohon, just one, however due to the extremely exhausted condition of mine during that time, i only had a glance through it and never really have mood to enjoy the one and only firefly that fly through my face for the first time in my life......really regretted after that as i only have one thought at that moment, to get out of the Timpohon trail and reach civilisation ASAP.... sigh. But tonight i finally got to see a whole bunch...or should i say a few colonies by the river side in their nature habitat......i did it!!! ^_^ I enjoy watching them blinking by the dark river side in their nature habitat and light up the whole tree as if it is a decorated Christmas tree light up with blinking LED....Currently the happiness in me is indescribable by word. So as to say : YAY...i make it!!!
Hope that the whole area will be conservation site to preserve and protect this rare and unique type of live form by mother nature from extinction ..... sure hope to visit the site again, the whole stretch of river side of Sungai Kerian, worth visiting...............