Has been 8 years since i first subsribed to hotlink 012, so do my family members. Since then, been using the same number all the time. Firstly, i don't like to change, or should say that i'm lazy to change admit it, coz u'll hav to inform everyone bout the new number, i'm not such a hardworking person and in the same time i don't want lose contact with my friends. A for some really like to change hp no so frequently, so they'll still be able to catch up with me even if i've lost tract in 'their hp number changing process' we'll still b able to keep in touch.
Recently, there's been a lot of advertisement sent by hotlink via sms, normally i'll tend to ignore it by just delete it , no biggy, as long as no charge involve, just press n delete......
But recently i'm starting to feel a bit annoying. Why??? Due to Raya & Deepavali celebration, there r so many promotion being offered by hotlink, as for this, the numbers of sms being received fr hotlink also increased at the same time..... n the sms received is so frequent...... in the middle of the of working hours, meeting n even during resting time (bathroom, having meal playing games!!!!)
However yesterday is the limit, i'm really pissed off by the hotlink sms! I received almost one sms within 2 hours time n u know what time is it?? it send the sms in the middle of 4AM, WTH!!!! And i'm not the only one in the house with 012 or 017, so can u imagine how 'MERIAH' my house is?? Mayb some might say y not just switch off the phone? hey, if u r on call, u'll know what i mean... also for emergency purposes.....
And until this moment while i'm blogging this article, my phone is still ringing with the interval time of 1 hour each to receive 1 stupid hotlink deal sms ...... is very ANNOYING!!!!!
Plan to go straight to the Maxis center, but after reading through tonnes of complaints in many forum, i've decided to cancel to my trip, USELESS..... !!! No choice, i'll change to DIGI today after posting this article....
My phone rang again, guess what....... another hotlink SMS, ARGGGGGGHHHHH........ WTH!!!!! WITHIN 30 MINS???!!!!!
Why can't Malaysia have proper service provider for once in telecomunication field?? Sound pathetic huh??? Yes I'm nagging again, so what?? Proper marketing stategy is gonna booast bussiness, however, marketing without proper strategy is gonna lose bussiness.
Stupid HOTLINK!!!!!
Korean Drama bingeing philosophy
6 years ago